Mystique said:
~*~ My Questions ~*~
1, What do you like about JB?![]()
the rules lol
nah well wat i like is the ppl who like me, nothing else, its like ne other forums but more strict rules.
2, What do you hate about JB?![]()
the rules, they take away alot of ur freedom n they suck.
3, If you could go back in time & change anything, what would it be & why?![]()
i would stop the war between Hindus n Muslims n make they dont divide Hindustan into Pak n India.
4, Which member of JB do you speak the most to on the phone?![]()
5, What is the sweetest moment of your life from childhood?![]()
therez a bunch, but i guess gettin Sega Genesis for B-Day was the best.
6, What's your worst memory of childhood?![]()
when we moved from City ta suburbs n i had ta leave my friends behind, sad day it was.
7, Do you know how to cook?![]()
just a lil bit.
8, Which actress do you like more, Jessica Alba or Rani Mukherjee?![]()
kinda had a feelin u'd ask this lol...
Jessica Alba...
9, When are you getting married?![]()
when i dont get to go on dates ne more.
10, How many kids do you want?![]()
1. i can spoil that one n he/she can luv me forever.
11, If you could be Invisible for a month, what would you do & why?![]()
i'd rob banks cuz i dont mind free money.
12, What's the craziest thing you've ever done?![]()
few years ago, a cop was chasin me n well i should've pulled over on the side, but i decided to ditch him n some how i did, but 2 weeks later i gotta ticket in mail my license was suspended for 8 months lol...
13, What's your favourite kind of music?![]()
i like rock, rap n pop watever, but since mostly i listen to Eminem, i'd say Rap.
14, Have you ever beaten anyone up?![]()
in High School, yup alot of times but others have beaten me too, so well thatz fun times i must say.
15, Can you sing?![]()
i wish...
16, Are you still known as 'Huggy bear' on JB?![]()
that name is forever reserved for me![]()
17, Do you have a nick-name?![]()
Yas it is...
18, Have you ever been to Disneyland?![]()
yeah once, when i was 12 or 11 i think...
19, What would be the ideal gift for you on your next birthday?![]()
a wrist-watch, i aint got one lol
20, Do you love anyone on JB?
i luv u all...but only if u luv me back *shake on it*
Mystique said:
Rain Man said:me? afraid?
Ik second kai leeyeh darr jao naa!
Mystique said:NO!!
Stop being so greedy!!![]()
~CHANDNI~ said:
Rain Man said:
~CHANDNI~ said:
Rain Man said:
~CHANDNI~ said:My first Question is This kay ham nay ap ko welcome kiya
app nay reply nahi kiya
jao abb ham nahi bolty![]()
jab tak app hamery wel come ka jawab nahi doo gay ham yonhi rothy rahy gay koch bhi na pochay gay![]()
first question hee itna mushkil lol
no, its cuz tumne mujhe itni baar welcome kya hai ke i feel like i'm home now, to phir apno se kaisi formality![]()
(did that work, or am i trying too hard)![]()
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz lovly
THen yah buttering kahan say sikhy lolz![]()
i meet all kindz a ppl everyday...itz always good 2 observe some of them and use their skillz to get outta sticky situations![]()
lolz Gud HAM nay app kay liye BAKRA post kiya app ko pasand aya![]()
~CHANDNI~ said:i was searching for some pics of Ayesha Khan, Paki model/actress n even JB was no help for some reason i was linked to it lol...oh well, i'm glad i did1:JANGel ho adhi raat ho lagny lagy jo daar >>>lolz to kiya karo gay????
Ayatalkursee parh kar so jaonga.
2:LAHore any ka kab program hay????![]()
lahore kya mera to kabhi zindagi mein Pakistan anay koi program nahin hai lol, i luv my life.
3:LASt time LAHOre kab ayee????![]()
never been there :)
4:LArkiyon ki kiya khobhi ghayeel kary hy app ko ????![]()
its really hard to tell, but it has to be the way they talk, the quality of their voice, hard to explain but if they sound really sweet, then i cant ignore them n i'm pretty much tamed. lol
5:Jb may ana kaisy lagta hay?????
its fun being here, something when no ones online its boring, but sometimes i wish we all thought alike, would'be been even better.
6:Jb may first time kaisy ayee????
~CHANDNI~ said:
Rain Man said:
~CHANDNI~ said:My first Question is This kay ham nay ap ko welcome kiya
app nay reply nahi kiya
jao abb ham nahi bolty![]()
jab tak app hamery wel come ka jawab nahi doo gay ham yonhi rothy rahy gay koch bhi na pochay gay![]()
first question hee itna mushkil lol
no, its cuz tumne mujhe itni baar welcome kya hai ke i feel like i'm home now, to phir apno se kaisi formality![]()
(did that work, or am i trying too hard)![]()
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz lovly
THen yah buttering kahan say sikhy lolz![]()
~CHANDNI~ said:
Rain Man said:ek baar jo jaaye
jawani phir na aaye (true story) lol
thaz why gettin married before 40 is a bad idea, cuz ya gotta have fun...imho
Meanz app 40+ ho kay shadi karo gay???![]()
~CHANDNI~ said:My first Question is This kay ham nay ap ko welcome kiya
app nay reply nahi kiya
jao abb ham nahi bolty![]()
jab tak app hamery wel come ka jawab nahi doo gay ham yonhi rothy rahy gay koch bhi na pochay gay![]()
**sensational** said:Yasir Saab ab meri taraf se bhi questions ke jawaab deyna ok jee..warna u knw wat vill happen HA HA HA [evil laff>
ok lets get a move on...
i will only ask u 5 questions [i will have to think very carefully for the rest lol]
you will be given multiple choice questions to make it easy for u ok![]()
1- Ur Fav Colour
RED <<< (but i dont wear it, funny like that)
2- Ur Fav Past Time
FAMILY <<<(Family movie nites, nothing beats that)
3- Honeymoon Plan
Italy <<< (always wanted to go here, so prolly Italy)
Pakistan<<<(all the noises will keep us awake)
4- Your Dream Car
BMW <<< (x5, the newest one ofcourse)
5- Your Fav JBian
Maria <<<< herez my choice
[hard choice ere matechoose wisely tho]
Shahrukh Khan said:Paa G
Amsterdam kab aao gey?![]()
as soon as i wana abuse their freedom of law.
Kabhi kabhi mere dil main khyaal ata hai ke...?![]()
kaash mein aisi jaga hota jahan mein akela aur har taraf ek pari hoti...
paa g agar aap Chicago main na rehtey hotey tu kahan hotey aur kyun??![]()
to mein Canada mein hota, cuz their no diff then us, same life style jus less drama.
If a beautifull girl like jessica comes to you and say i wanna marry you..what would be your reaction??![]()
I'd be shocked but since u said "like jessica" than i'll say yes in a heart beat.
Kabhi kisi sey larai hui?? aur agar hui tu kis waja sey??
well one of my friends, waja wohi purani...ek larki. :(
What are your views abt Suicide??
anything that relates to dying, i'm scared off and i would always be against it. life is beautiful, live it n love it, even if u have nothing in the world, let the world have u. no reason to end it, plenty to explore n discover out there.
shadi ke baad aapki wife agar kaam karna chahiyey tu usko ijazat hogi??![]()
lol i wont marry a lazy girl in the first place. so hell yeah, she better get a job. as my dad always told me, working makes the person more valuable in this world and respect comes with it. so yes.
Agar aapki date ho aur usi din aapne friends ke saath outing karni thie tu kya choose karo gey?
its always n will always be girls over friends, my friends know it and the good part is, they're the same way, guess thaz why we're friends lol.
Your all time 3 fav bolly and holly movies??
Pursuit of Happyness
paa g aap naswar khatey ho?![]()
lol,no never had it in my life.
Your future Plans?![]()
dont like to think about future, cuz if it doesnt work out it'll jus make me said, so jo hai aaj hai, kal inshAllah ussay zada hoga.
Any Message for jb members??![]()
Honesty makes ppl know u.
Lying makes ppl believe u.
Honestly Lying makes ppl love u.
Pick a path that suits ur needs. Good Luck.
Miss mine said:
gr8 intro![]()
..ok lets warm things up for u
Questions from my side:
1. Favourite set of wheels?
my dadz x5, sadly i cant afford it yet.
2. What life experiences have given u the greatest reward?
well i almost was close nuff to marry this girl i used to date, but i backed out n well greatest reward outta that is the freedom i have now.
3. Favourite food..
lasagna *yum yum*
4. If u could create the perfect job for yourself, what would u be doing?
i'd be playing video games for a living.
5. Would u ever consider being waxed?![]()
i do wax my chest, i'm not a hairy beast. lol
6. Style Icon..![]()
Johnny Depp.
7. Trend u luv..
sweat pants n t-shirts
8. Dream Destination?
Chicago, Down Town.
9. I cant believe I used to wear....![]()
salwar kameez to school, lol...
well it was a islamic school, but parents forced me i tell ya. lol
10. I cant live without?
Mystique said:
Rain Man said:ooo
itz been years since i was last interviewed![]()
go ez on me![]()
Be afraid Yashykins, be very afraid!![]()
Miss mine said:
welcum to the hot seat![]()
Shahrukh Khan said:
Rain Man said:ooo
itz been years since i was last interviewed![]()
go ez on me![]()
paa g aapka interview mazay wala hoga![]()
Mystique said:
Rain Man said:True, Larkiyon ka zamana hai aur Larkiyan humari hain...
wait, wat...
i know.
You still haven't answered my question, Jessica or Rani?
Shahrukh Khan said:Coollllllllllllllllllllllll
i heard shooting starts next year
Rapunzel said:hmm waise Don 1 ka exp kuch khas nhi tha